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  • 國內外研習會訊息

第五屆亞洲護理教育大會 (ACiNE2023)將於 2023 年 11 月 24 日至 25 日在土耳其伊斯坦布爾舉辦!


Dear Colleagues,  

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 5th Asian Congress in Nursing Education (ACiNE2023) which will be held on 24-25 November 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. ACiNE is a nursing education congress held in Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Vietnam in previous years. We are excited to see nurse educators who dedicate themselves to continuously improving the quality of nursing education and who would like to share their experiences.

The 5th ACiNE 2023 emphasized how to improve the quality of nursing education for global health, and the main theme and sub-themes of the congress have been determined accordingly.

The main theme of the Congress is “Cultivating quality in nursing education for global health.” Sub-themes emerged from this theme. You may visit our website for detailed information: http://www.acine2023.org/EN/Default 

During the congress, participants will have the opportunity to collaborate and network with participants from all over the world, as well as discuss how we can improve quality for global health in the field of nursing education and learn from best practices. Furthermore, we will be requesting International Continuing Nursing Education Credits (ICNEC) from the International Council of Nurses for conference attendance.

In addition to benefiting from the exciting scientific program of our congress, the participants will also have the opportunity to experience Turkish culture and discover the city of Istanbul, which has been the capital of civilizations connecting the Asian and European continents, fascinating with its art, nature, historical and cultural texture, and where modern nursing was born.

We would be happy to see you at our Congress, which will be held on 24-25 November 2023 in Istanbul. Please join us at the 5th ACiNE 2023, which we hope will make significant contributions to nursing education and nursing science.

We look forward to welcoming you.


Prof. Sergul Duygulu

Congress Chair of 2023 ACINE

President of APANE

Hacettepe University, Turkiye


Prof. Mei-Feng Lin

Congress Co-Chair of 2023 ACINE

Vice-President of APANE

National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

