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學會相關網站-Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (TNC)(泰國護理及助產協會)


Currently, 6 health councils regulate the practice of health professionals 1. Medical Council 2.
Nursing Council 3. Dentistry Council 4. Pharmacy Council 5. Medical Technology and 6. Physical
Therapy Council. Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council was established under the Royal Decree
of Professional Nursing and Midwifery Act B.E. 2528 dated September 5, 1985. The effort to
establish The Council was initiated by The Nurses' Association of Thailand. The Act was approved
and published in The Royal Gazette, Special Issue, Vol.102, 1985. The revised Act was approved
by the Parliament and published in the Royal Gazette dated December 23, 1997 , to become “The
Professional Nursing and Midwifery Act B.E. 2540.”
