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  • 最新消息

【轉知】【學會協辦】 2020/07/23 許玉雲理事長演講 --The 1st International Nursing Online Seminar 歡迎上網報名聽講(視訊)



The 1st International Nursing Online Seminar, Thursday, 23 July, 2020

─ “Clinical Learning Strategies During Pandemic and New Normal Era” Professional Education in The COVID-19 Pandemic



* Date & Time: Thursday, 23 July, 202010:00 am till the end (Taiwan Time)

*Link of registration: https://bit.ly/webinar-fkik

*Link of youtube channel: https://bit.ly/youtube-fkik

*Professor Yu-Yun Hsu will give a speech at around 10:50-11:20 Taiwan time  at 85109 conference room.

Welcome to join this activity at 85109 conference room or from Youtube Channel!

*Announcement: http://www.nursing.ncku.edu.tw/p/404-1106-209841.php?Lang=en

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